Finding the QuickBooks Desktop log file (qbsdklog.txt)
The QBXML SDK log file is typically located in the "c:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks\" directory.
If you can't find the file, or directory do a Start - Run - "c:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks" <enter>.
Enabling verbose logging
To Turn on the QBSDK Verbose Logging follow the following directions:
Go to c:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks and edit the qbsdk.ini file.
Then edit qbsdk.ini. If qbsdk.ini is not there, just create it. Make sure that the file is not a text file, but a config file otherwise QuickBooks will not pick up the file.
Add or modify the following lines:
[Log] Level=verbose UnlimitedSize=Y [Parser] DumpRequestData=Y SdkAccelerator=N
Restart QuickBooks and run your program.
Be sure to turn off verbose logging as soon as you've gathered the information you need. Verbose logging slows down QuickBooks considerably, and the log files can grow extremely large.
Use the following setting to restore the file to the original info Level:
Level=info and change UnlimitedSize=N DumpRequestData=N