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Customize Your Work Orders

You can customize the Work Order to include or exclude built-in fields that may or may not be applicable to your business.


BlueFolder uses the default term of 'Work Order', however, you can customize this term to match your business (Settings>General Settings>Work Orders.) Your custom term will appear anywhere in BlueFolder that the term 'Work Order' appears.

Customizable Built-In Fields

The following fields can be enabled or disabled:

  • Account Manager - Displays the Account Manager if one is assigned to the customer.
  • Service Manager - Displays the Service Manager if one is assigned to the customer.
  • Detailed Description - A large text field used to describe details about the work being performed.
  • Due Date - For time-sensitive work, this field is used to specify the date/time the work must be completed.
  • External ID - A text field that can be used to assign an ID that references external data.
  • Priority - A value used to determine the importance and/or severity of a problem.
  • Type - Used to categorize service work by type.
  • Reference No. - A general purpose field that is useful for tracking any additional information you'd like.
  • PO No. - Used to identify the Purchase Order number for the job.

Custom Fields

You can add unlimited custom fields to Work Orders.

Custom Field Types

  • Text - A general purpose data field that accepts any type of data (letters, numbers, special characters, etc.)
  • List - A value-list field that allows you to specify a list of values from which users must pick.
  • Data - A date field that generates a date picker control for users to pick from.
  • Number - A data field that only accepts valid numeric values.
  • Yes/No - A data field that generates a checkbox control on the screen. Used for true/false values.

Assignment Options

You can choose to have multiple assignments/assignees on a work order. For multiple assignments check 'Allow Work Order Assignments to Have More Than One Assignee'.

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