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Customers Overview

Whether your customers are consumers, businesses, or a mixture of both, BlueFolder can easily track and manage your critical customer information. Important details like past service history, recent comments, active contracts, and more are instantly available when viewing customer records, enabling your team to provide faster response times to your customers.

Customer records have customizable built-in fields, as well as support for custom fields. You can also track multiple contacts and locations per customer record and easily identify which contact/location is 'primary'.

Viewing the Customer List

The My Customers view displays customers for which you are either assigned and/or scheduled to do work for or customers for which you are listed as the Account Manager, Service Manager, or Technician. All users have access to this view.

The All Customers view displays all active customers. Users belonging to the Administrator, Service Manager, Bookkeeper, or Scheduler roles can access this view. Users belonging to the Lead Technician, Technician, or Subcontractor roles can only see this view if their role has been granted access to "View All Customers".

The Inactive Customers view displays all customer records that have marked as 'inactive'. Typically, you'll mark a customer as 'inactive' when you don't want to see the customer in your customer list. Marking a customer as 'inactive' will also remove it from any customer pick-lists in other parts of BlueFolder. Work performed for inactive customers will still be displayed in reports. The permissions for this view are the same as for the All Customers view.

Viewing a Customer Record

When viewing a customer record, you'll see several tabs across the top:

  • Overview - Shows an overview of the customer, including information such as the primary contact and location, recent service history, recent comments, etc.
  • Contacts - Shows all contacts associated with the customer. You can add, edit, and delete contacts from this tab.
  • Locations - Shows all locations associated with the customer. You can add, edit, and delete locations from this tab.
  • Comments - Displays a list of all comments associated with the customer. Note that this comment list doesn't include comments that have been added to specific jobs for the customer.
  • Equipment - Displays a list of all equipment items associated with the customer.
  • Contracts - Displays a list of all contracts associated with the customer. You can filter the list by contact status.
  • Recurring - Displays all of the recurring service requests associated with the customer.
  • Attachments - Shows all files, links, and signed documents attached to the customer. Files attached to individual service requests are not visible from this tab.
  • History - Shows all service requests associated with the customer.
  • Reports - Shows a list of links to customer-specific reports. Reports launched from this list will be filtered to only display data for this customer.

Key Fields for Customer Records

  • Account Manager - Identifies the person in your company (typically a salesperson) that manages the customer account.
  • Service Manager - Identifies the person in your company responsible for managing the services performed for the customer.
  • Technician - Identifies the default technician assigned to the customer.
  • Customer Type - A customizable list field that allows you to customize customer records into categories.
  • Industry Type - Useful for categorizing customers by industry.
  • External ID - A unique identifier that can be used as secondary customer iD, or as a cross-reference to an external system.
  • Bill To - The location (or third party) where billing statements and invoices should be sent.
  • Tax Code - The default tax code to be used for the customer.
  • Default Labor Rate - The default labor rate to be used when billing labor activities to this customer.

Customer Notifications

BlueFolder can notify your customers when certain events happen in your account.
Learn more about customer notifications »

Securing Customer Information

Users belonging to the Administrator, Service Manager, Bookkeeper, or Scheduler roles can view all customer records. Permissions for users in the Lead Technician, Technician, and Subcontractor can be customized by going to Settings > Users & Permissions > Permissions. You can limit those users to only be able to view customers they are assigned to do work for.

Customer Portal

BlueFolder's optional Customer Portal empowers your customers to submit new work orders and view work order status in real-time. Sophisticated permissions and customization settings help you promote your brand and impress your customers with excellent service.

related articles:

How to create a new customer
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