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Release Notes - 2014-10-30

What's New

  • Added new field "TimeToFirstStatusChange_Hours" to the "Service Requests" report dataset. This new field enables you to see how many hours passed between a Service Request's creation and the first time it's status was changed. Useful for tracking your average response time for new Service Requests.
  • When creating or editing a Service Request, the equipment pick-list is now automatically sorted so that the selected "Service Location" is displayed as the first location in the pick-list. If you work with customers that have a lot of locations and/or equipment, this change eliminates a lot of scrolling, making it much faster to choose equipment for a Service Request.
  • Enhanced security settings to better prevent technicians with limited permissions from viewing customer records that they shouldn't be able to view.


  • Fixed excessive notifications being sent to "related users" when assignments are changed on a Service Request.
  • Fixed incorrect contact and/or location being selected when choosing customer via keyboard while creating or editing a Service Request.
  • Fixed unnecessary status change log entries that occurred when verifying a new email or web request.
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