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Equipment (API)

Adding an Equipment Item




            <customField name="field_name1"></customField> 
            <customField name="field_name2"></customField> 
  • customerId - (required) integer, indicating the customer who owns the equipment item
  • equipName - (required) string, equipment name (100 char limit)
  • equipType - string, arbitrary type of equipment (fax, copier, server, etc.) (50 char limit)
  • externalId - string, external identifier that can be used to query the equipment item (255 char limit, must be a unique value)
  • locationId - (required) integer - use the 'Add Customer Location' API to create this Id
  • mfrName - string (50 char limit)
  • modelNo - string (50 char limit)
  • nextServiceDate - date
  • notes - string (no char limit)
  • purchaseDate - date
  • refNo - string, reference number (50 char limit)
  • serialNo - string, serial number (50 char limit)
  • serviceInterval - integer
  • serviceIntervalUnit - string (25 char limit)
  • wherePurchased - string (50 char limit)
  • customFields
    • customField - the "name" attribute must specify the exact name of a custom field in your account. The actual value included between the opening and closing "customField" element tags should be a string value, regardless of the custom field's "data type".


<response status="ok">

Editing an Equipment Item




            <customField name="field_name1"></customField> 
            <customField name="field_name2"></customField> 
  • equipmentId - (required, unless externalId is provided) GUID, which is the unique Id for the equipment item
  • customerId - integer, indicating the customer who owns the equipment item
  • equipName - string, equipment name (100 char limit)
  • equipType - string, arbitrary type of equipment (fax, copier, server, etc.) (50 char limit)
  • externalId - (required if equipmentId not provided) string, external identifier that can be used to query the equipment item (255 char limit, externalId must be a unique value)
  • locationId - integer - use the 'Add Customer Location' API to create this Id
  • mfrName - string (50 char limit)
  • modelNo - string (50 char limit)
  • nextServiceDate - date
  • notes - string (no char limit)
  • purchaseDate - date
  • refNo - string, reference number (50 char limit)
  • serialNo - string, serial number (50 char limit)
  • serviceInterval - integer
  • serviceIntervalUnit - string (25 char limit)
  • wherePurchased - string (50 char limit)
  • customFields
    • customField - the "name" attribute must specify the exact name of a custom field in your account. The actual value included between the opening and closing "customField" element tags should be a string value, regardless of the custom field's "data type".


<response status="ok">

Retrieving a Single Equipment Item






<response status="ok">

Retrieving a List of Equipment




  • listType - (required) string, either 'basic' (default) or 'full', determines type of list to return
  • customerId - numeric, the Id of the customer whose equipment items to return
  • customerExternalId - string, the externalId of the customer whose equipment items to return

Response (for 'basic' list)

<response status="ok">

Response (for 'full' list)

<response status="ok">

Retrieving Custom Field List for Equipment






<response status="ok">
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