Added 2-way email - the ability to reply to email notifications sent by BlueFolder and have the reply processed as a new comment on the related service request.
New service requests created via email from a customer are now automatically associated with the appropriate customer and contact if the incoming email's from address matched a customer contact.
The customizability of the email notifications sent to your customers has been improved. You can now customize the "from name" and "from address". Customer email notifications now include more information about the related service request.
Added default customer notification preferences.
Added customizable permissions for Equipment.
Added preference for setting default comment visibility (public or not).
Added ability to search service requests by location name in customer portal.
Expanded service request log in customer portal to include additional entry types beyond just comments.
Updated service request logging to include log entries for all item interactions such as add, edit, and delete.
Redesigned Settings tab to improve usability.
Notification preferences use "Service Request" even though company is set to "Ticket".