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Release Notes - 2015-03-06

What's New

  • When viewing lists such as the Customer List and Work Order List, you can now sort in both ascending and descending order by clicking a list column header multiple times. A small up or down arrow icon indicates which column the list is currently sorted by and in what direction it is sorted.
  • Printable Work Order documents such as the "Billing Summary" can now be saved as PDF attachments to a Work Order by clicking the new "Save as Attachment" button on the print preview window.
  • Attachments can now be edited after they have been uploaded. A new edit icon has been added to the right-hand side of the attachments list, next to the delete icon. Note that filenames cannot be edited, but the file's description and it's public/private status can be edited. Also, attached links can be edited in their entirety.
  • The Recurring Work Order List can now be filtered by "Paused" status.
  • Invoices transferred to QuickBooks Online will now include unit price for each line item.
  • A new user notification preference has been added that controls whether a user is notified of actions they perform. This preference is off by default in order to eliminate excessive notifications.


  • Fixed: Line breaks in "Customer Contacts & Addresses" export caused problems when trying to view the export file.
  • Fixed: Mobile web app not properly displaying line breaks in a Work Order's "Detailed Description" field.
  • Fixed: Work Orders that had been closed and subsequently reopened erroneously included in billing reports.
  • Fixed: Improper date formatting for equipment item's "Next Service Date" in printed documents.
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