Note: Some of the items described below were released in November but we didn't publish any release notes at that time so we're including them here instead.
What's New
A new search feature has been added to the right-hand side of the main navigation bar. Here are a few key points to know about this feature.
- This initial version of search is designed it to be a "quick lookup", not an exhaustive search. You can quickly find items that start with the text you enter into the search box. One exception is that work order descriptions are searched entirely, so if your search text appears anywhere in a work order description that work order will appear in the search results.
- Another important point is that the search automatically begins looking for matches after you've entered at least 2 characters in the search box.
- The search in our mobile app has also been updated to return the same results as the new search in the main web app, although it doesn't automatically return results as you're typing (you have to hit the search button) - we plan to update that in the near future.
- The new search also factors in user permissions, so a user should not be able to find items they aren't permitted to see.
We plan to expand this search in the future to be more comprehensive, but we've intentionally kept it limited initially so that we can ensure optimal performance and watch the usage of it to understand how much more comprehensive it should be. It's possible that a "quick lookup" is all this search needs to be, but time will tell. In the meantime, more comprehensive search features are available within each of the list pages, such as the customer list, work order list, etc.
New Calendar
We’re excited to announce the release of a new calendar. Due to the complexities of calendars and the many different ways our users utilize our scheduling features, we are releasing this as a "beta" alongside the existing calendar. If you'd like to try the new calendar, please understand that there are very likely bugs and a couple missing features that still need to be fixed.
- You can try the new calendar by clicking the "New Calendar" switch on the upper right side of the screen when viewing the calendar. Once in the new calendar, you can switch back to the old calendar by unchecking the "New Calendar" switch. Once the beta period is over (4-8 weeks), the new calendar will be permanent for all users.
- This new calendar supports:
- New views that make it easier to view daily and weekly schedules for multiple users.
- Ability to drag-and-drop calendar events in order to reschedule and/or change assignees.
- Cleaner interface for editing view preferences.
- Showing a warning when double-booking someone.
- Integrated search to quickly find appointments that exist within the current view (does not search appointments that are outside the range of what is being viewed).
- The calendar views in our mobile app have also been updated and expanded. (This change happened back in November)
Equipment Hierarchy
Equipment items can now be organized in a parent-child structure (available only in our Enterprise price plan). This new feature allows you to better organize complex equipment lists and keep track of sub-items that are part of a larger system. Once an item has been designated as a child item, its service history can be viewed as part of the parent item’s service history along with the history for any of the other children of that parent.
We're only supporting a single level of hierarchy at this time, which means that a parent item can have an unlimited number of children, but a child item can only belong to a single parent item.
The following changes have been made to accommodate this new feature:
- A new sidebar has been added to the right-side of the equipment item overview page that includes a representation of the item’s hierarchy. If the item is a child item, this area will show the name of the parent item and a link to view it. If the item is a parent, this area will show a list of the child items with links for each child.
- A new "Children" tab has been added to equipment records that allows you to view all of a parent's child items in a list format.
- When viewing the service history for a parent item, any work orders from that parent's child items will also be included in the history and clearly designated so you can tell the history item pertains to a child item.
- When creating or editing an item you can now designate the item’s parent by selecting from a dropdown list in the right-hand sidebar. Only items associated with the same customer can be designated as the parent item. If an item already has children it cannot also be a child - in other words, we are only supporting a single level of hierarchy at this time. We may change this in the future based on demand.
- When viewing the Equipment List, if an item in the list has children you can click the plus icon to the left of the item name to expand the child items.
- In order to facilitate the icons for expanding/collapsing child items in the list, the equipment pictures have been moved to their own list column, just to the right of the item name.
Other Changes
- In order to preserve service history data, deleting an equipment item with service history is no longer possible. If you try to delete such an equipment item the app will now ask if you want to mark it as inactive instead.
- It's now possible to unset the picture for an equipment item.
- Added "Customer ID" & "Customer External ID" as optional columns in the Customer List, the Equipment List, and the Work Order List.
- Add "Closed By" to the custom report datasets "Work Orders" and "Work Order Assignments".
- Added "ParentId" (see equipment hierarchy above) and "LocationName" to equipment export.
- "Net 120" has been added to the list of payment terms for invoices.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Column order not saving properly in custom reports.
- Fixed: Various UI issues in Incoming Email Log.
- Fixed: (Mobile App) Equipment tab visible in customer records even when equipment tracking is turned off.
- Fixed: Incoming email matching logic not able to differentiate between multiple customers with same address.
- Fixed: Error with required field when using "Add New Customer" while creating a new work order.
- Fixed: The "Recent Service History" in the "Overview" tab in a customer record doesn't display work orders the user is related to.
- Fixed: Problem with time zone after editing the close date for a work order.
- Fixed: Rescheduled assignments not sending email notification to customer.
- Fixed: When sending a print template from the mobile app, the subject of the email doesn't include the work order # as it does in the main web app.
- Fixed: When deactivating a user remove them from recurring job assignments.
- Fixed: Work order items on edit continue to look locked when clicking on the item.
- Fixed: Ugly error message when importing customers.
- Fixed: Unfriendly error message upon creating new contract without selecting a customer.
- Fixed: Equipment service history sort order in mobile app is inconsistent with the main web app.
- Fixed: Deleting a work order status that is used in the automatic status change settings should turn off the automatic status change and display an informative message to the user.