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Release Notes - 2019-09-26

Over the past few weeks, we've released a number of fixes and improvements to BlueFolder. Here's a summary of what's been updated.

New UI for the Mobile Web App

Screen_Shot_2019-09-13_at_3.00.15_PM.pngOur mobile web application is a subset of our main web app that is designed for technicians to use on their smartphones in the field. We recently released a complete refresh of the user interface that provides an easier and more consistent experience on mobile devices.

Renamed "Views" to "Smart Lists"

One of our newer features is "Smart Lists", which allows you to create a variety of pre-defined work order lists for your account. You can build work order lists with pre-defined filters, custom list columns, user permissions, and more. It's super-powerful and available in our Pro Plus and Enterprise plans. We used to call it "Views" but that didn't sit well with us, so we've renamed that feature to "Smart Lists". Learn more about Smart Lists here.

User Group Improvements 

We recently updated user groups by adding a calendar feed URL. This allows you to subscribe to the calendar events for all users in a user group with a single link. For example, if a team manager wanted to see all their team members BlueFolder calendars in Outlook, they could create a new calendar in Outlook and choose "From Internet", then paste in the "iCal Feed" URL from the user groups list in their BlueFolder Settings. This will add a new calendar to Outlook containing all the calendar events for the users belonging to the user group in BlueFolder.

Other Improvements

  • Added "Start Time" to the Work Order Items custom report dataset.
  • Added a "Notification CC Email Address" to user profiles. All notifications sent to a user will also be sent to this address.
  • Added the ability to add a "link" attachment to work order via the API.
  • Added the ability to set the location when adding a customer contact via the API.
  • Added "costTotal" to the response when calling the 'Service Request List' API call.
  • Added "Billable" and "Source Name" as filterable fields for smart lists.
  • Added support for receiving videos as attachments to incoming emails.
  • Added billing batch options to create QuickBooks Online invoices with the 'enable online payment' option set.
  • Added search capability to the dropdown list when selecting the item while adding work order labor, materials, or expenses.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Customer contacts can be created with an invalid email address.
  • Fixed: Notifications for assignment changes not being sent in some circumstances.
  • Fixed: When adding labor to a work order in the mobile web app, the 'Public Comment' checkbox is not being set with the default value.
  • Fixed: Public comments for status changes aren't being displayed in the work order log in the customer portal.
  • Fixed: Assignment completion comment not showing in the customer portal.
  • Fixed: Custom field entitled 'PO Number' conflicts with built-in field and causes error.
  • Fixed: Cannot save username and password for login to the mobile web app on iOS.
  • Fixed: Problem with work order list when sorting the list and custom fields are in the list.
  • Fixed: Problem with display of invoices in account subscription settings.
  • Fixed: When importing items, the price fails to import if it has a currency symbol.
  • Fixed: Signature capture not working on Microsoft Surface and Toughbook devices.
  • Fixed: Ugly error message when adding a company office with a duplicate name.
  • Fixed: Equipment Custom Fields - Yes/No fields are falsely showing as checked in the mobile web app.
  • Fixed: Public comment via email was allowed to be added to a work order by a user who didn't have permission to add public comments.
  • Fixed: Problem editing custom fields on customers in the mobile web app.


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