The following BlueFolder product updates will be released this evening.
- Work Order Interface Changes
- "Linked To" information has been moved from the sidebar to a new bar that appears at the top of the work order. The bar only appears when there is linked-to information to be displayed.
- Current work order status has been moved to the 'header bar' at the top of the work order, and is now a button that can be clicked to change the status.
- "Linked To" information has been moved from the sidebar to a new bar that appears at the top of the work order. The bar only appears when there is linked-to information to be displayed.
- Thumbnail Images - for all new photos uploaded after this release, a thumbnail image will be shown in the list of attachments, making it much easier to quickly find the photo you need. We are investigating a solution for generating thumbnails for previously uploaded photos.
- File Uploading - when uploading file attachments, you will now see a progress bar for each file as it's being uploaded.
- Upload Multiple Files (mobile app beta) - already supported in the desktop app for a while, this is now also supported when using the mobile app. Progress bars (as mentioned above) will be shown for each file as it's being uploaded.
- Viewing Other Calendars (mobile app beta) - when using the mobile app you can now view other people's calendars (with appropriate permissions) by selecting the user at the top of the calendar view.
- Editing Equipment (mobile app beta) - when using the mobile app you can now edit equipment items.
- New Notification - A new notification event has been added for when a customer comments on a work order.
- API Enhancement - File attachments can now be added via the API. Check the API documentation for specifics.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Intermittent slow performance when viewing the work order list.
- Fixed: In calendar month view, events from next month are not shown at the bottom.
- Fixed: In calendar week view, multiday appointments sometimes are displayed multiple times.
- Fixed: Customer portal display name uniqueness is too aggressive. Portal users should be allowed to have duplicate display names.
- Fixed: In the Customer Portal, the "Reference No." is turned off but is still displayed.
- Fixed: Customizable list fields allow blank items.
- Fixed: Remove/ignore leading/trailing spaces when searching the work order list.
- Fixed: When an equipment item is set to inactive, there's an error when trying to remove it from a work order. Work orders can also be cloned with inactive equipment.
- Fixed: Missing comma in the unit price of items on printed work order forms.