Adding an Appointment
<request> <appointmentAdd> <subject></subject> <dateTimeStart></dateTimeStart> <dateTimeEnd></dateTimeEnd> <allDayEvent></allDayEvent> <assignedTo> <userId></userId> ... </assignedTo> <customerId></customerId> <description></description> <notifyCustomer></notifyCustomer> </appointmentAdd> </request>
- subject - (required) string (100 char limit)
- dateTimeStart - (required) datetime, must be in the format YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM AM
- dateTimeEnd - (required) datetime, must be in the format YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM AM
- allDayEvent - boolean, indicates if appointment is an all-day appointment
- assignedTo - designates the userIds that are to be assigned to the appointment
- userId - numeric, must match an existing User Id in your user list
- customerId - numeric, if specified, must match an existing CustomerId from your customer list
- description - string (no char limit)
- notifyCustomer - boolean (true/false), indicates if customer should receive an email notification for this action. The value defaults to the preferences that are set for the customer as specified in Customer Notifications. This value is ignored if the company does not allow notification preferences to be overriden or if the user does not have permission to override customer notifications.
<response status="ok"> <apptId>xxxxxx</apptId> </response>
Editing an Appointment
<request> <appointmentEdit> <apptId></apptId> <subject></subject> <dateTimeStart></dateTimeStart> <dateTimeEnd></dateTimeEnd> <allDayEvent></allDayEvent> <assignedTo> <userId></userId> ... </assignedTo> <customerId></customerId> <description></description> <notifyCustomer></notifyCustomer> </appointmentEdit> </request>
- apptId - (required) numeric, the Id of the appointment to be edited
- subject - string (100 char limit)
- dateTimeStart - datetime, must be in the format YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM AM
- dateTimeEnd - datetime, must be in the format YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM AM
- allDayEvent - boolean, indicates if appointment is an all-day appointment
- assignedTo - designates the userIds that are to be assigned to the appointment, will replace any existing assignees
- userId - numeric, must match an existing User Id in your user list
- userId - numeric, must match an existing User Id from your user list, must be within the "assignedTo" element
- customerId - numeric, if specified, must match an existing CustomerId from your customer list. Can only be modified if existing CustomerId is 0.
- description - string (no char limit)
- notifyCustomer - boolean (true/false), indicates if customer should receive an email notification for this action. The value defaults to the preferences that are set for the customer as specified in Customer Notifications. This value is ignored if the company does not allow notification preferences to be overriden or if the user does not have permission to override customer notifications.
<response status="ok"> <apptId>xxxxxx</apptId> </response>
Retrieving a Single Appointment
<request> <appointmentGet> <apptId>xxxxxx</apptId> </appointmentGet> </request>
<response status="ok"> <appointment> <id></id> <allDayEvent></allDayEvent> <createdByUserId></createdByUserId> <customerId></customerId> <dateTimeStart></dateTimeStart> <dateTimeEnd></dateTimeEnd> <description></description> <duration></duration> <isRecurring></isRecurring> <subject></subject> <assignedTo> <userId></userId> ... </assignedTo> </appointment> </response>
Retrieving a List of Appointments
<request> <appointmentList> <dateRangeStart></dateRangeStart> <dateRangeEnd></dateRangeEnd> <userId></userId> </appointmentList> </request>
- dateTimeStart - (required) datetime, must be in the format YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM AM
- dateTimeEnd - (required) datetime, must be in the format YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM AM
- userId - filter appointment list to only show appointments for specified userId
<response status="ok"> <appointment> <id></id> <allDayEvent></allDayEvent> <createdByUserId></createdByUserId> <customerId></customerId> <dateTimeStart></dateTimeStart> <dateTimeEnd></dateTimeEnd> <description></description> <duration></duration> <isMultiDay></isMultiDay> <isRecurring></isRecurring> <subject></subject> <assignedTo> <userId></userId> ... </assignedTo> </appointment> </response>